Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Entry 1 (1/17/14): In Which I Explain Who I Am And Why I'm Here

Entry 1: In Which I Explain Who I Am And Why I'm Here

Profile-Pic by Xero-J

Those who read the title will know what this will be about, so I'll get right to the point.

My name is Jalen Johnson, and my trade is art. Particulary, Graphic Design in mediums of various nature.

Those of you who know me better as Xero-J probably recall that name from deviantArt, where I've spent the past two years building a loyal fanbase.

Digital work, Traditional, Crafts, Photography, and even Websites. All these and more, I've spent at least some time working on it, in an attempt to make myself known in the artistic community.

One goal I've set for this year was to expand my name and my brand (Xero-J Graphic Designs) out further into the world. To do this, I've turned to something I've once tried to avoid with a burning passion: Social Media!

I say avoid, because ever since I'd heard about Facebook and Tweeting every single thing you do every given minute, I didn't necessarily want to be a part of that, so I tried to keep any social business to dA.

The longer this continued, however, the longer it became obvious to me that, not only is social media not going anywhere, but it's getting increasingly more required for getting known in the world.

So here I stand, writing to you now. I came here to show people what I've done and can do, and that's what I'm gonna do. So, here's how I see this working.

My focus is on art, so I'm going to post art! Every so often, you'll see a new featured piece of my work (which I create a lot of) that I find particularly appealing.

Above all else, my first priority is to deviantArt, so when I do post something, you can usually find it (and all of my other stuff) there.

As for these blogs, my main plan for them is basically to use them to feature art I've done, art-related things I like, and how I'm progressing with my art.

That's pretty much the gist of it. This is where my path as a designer finally begins to branch out, and hopefully, many of you will follow me as I walk down that path...


~Jalen Xero-J Johnson

View the original article here!
You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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