Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Entry 2 (1/22/14): In Which New Ideas Are (hopefully) Cultivated

Entry 2: In Which New Ideas Are (hopefully) Cultivated

One of the many things I've wanted to do with my art career is establish myself as a storyteller. I've wanted (and many times tried) to come up with original ideas, characters, and storylines, the like of which build entire worlds by themselves.

One of the most prominent examples of this happens to be VS. Universe, a crossover fan-comic I've been singlehandedly developing for the past two years now.
VSU Chapter 1 Page 25 by Xero-J VSU Chapter 2 Preview by Xero-J

Now, let me set the record straight: I love drawing these characters, and I want to continue drawing them and comics for the foreseeable future.

But in the end, most of these characters aren't mine, and if I try to profit off of this, I'd have who-knows-how-many legal hurdles to jump through, which brings to my next point...

My original content, which I've simultaneously been working on since I first learned how to draw.

Some of it is old, some new, some simple, some complex. Many a concept has lived (and, sadly, perished or been lost) on my sketchbook.

Today is when I bring at least three of those ideas to light. Whether they become my life's work, or never make it past the pencil sketches, one, at least, can't fault them for their potential, I believe...

Paragon-R by Xero-J
I'll not mince words here: I'm an anime fan. I've got an entire two shelves in my house dedicated to graphic novels (one-and-a-half of real estate being comprised of the entire up-to-date One Piece series by itself). Those of you who've seen my deviantArt gallery know that 90% of the things I draw is about anime (or at least, video games in an anime-ish style).

Paragon-R The Main Four by Xero-J

Naturally, when coming up with original ideas, I first decided to follow in the footsteps of the tried and true shonen style shows (by "shonen" I mean action-y boy-oriented shows such as Dragon Ball and One Piece).

Raleno X Rona - Swordsman and Sorceress by Xero-J Regen Cinoten by Xero-J DUBSTEP Cannon by Xero-J

Paragon-R is intended to be a comic story in the same vein as your average Saturday-morning cartoon, following four heroes as they defend their world from villainous threats both on and off it.


Graphite Logo by Xero-J

If you've ever seen a Disney movie in theaters in recent years, chances are you've also seen one of the little animated cartoon shorts that play directly before it. Graphite is, in a nutshell, my idea for one of those shorts.

Graphite Characters by Xero-J

Imagine, if you will, a young artist, after creating a masterpiece with naught but two colored pencils, turns in for the night. Now imagine if the pencils wanted to keep going of their own accord. And the pencils each wanted their color to have prevalence over the other...

 Graphite Promotional by Xero-J

is the simple story of how a simple competition can get out of hand, and how it ultimately takes a team to achieve something truly amazing in the world of artistry.

Clash of the Stickmen: Six Powers

I know what many of you are instantly thinking right now: "Stick-men? Really? That's what you're going with?"

Yes, it's true that anybody who's ever held a pencil has probably drawn a stick figure. Sure, it's good fun when you're bored, but no one could seriously make a narrative about stick-figures look interesting, right? Well...

Clash of the Stickmen: Six Powers :Cover: by Xero-J Six Powers (Premonition) by Xero-J
Six Powers Fighters by Xero-J

Clash of the Stickmen: Six Powers is the idea of intense combat taken to its logical extreme (Or as least as extreme as I can get without showing gore or guts. I have standards, you know) Because these are simple character designs, they can made to do so many things...Which is good, because for this story I intend to have these six warriors all thrown into a battle for supremacy. One that may decide the ultimate path the world will take!

The one power every artist has is the ability to create worlds, universes, mythos, and backstories. My ultimate goal has always been to see them through to their conclusion. From the stuff you see up here, I use these, and with the time, effort, and especially the work ethic, I'm going to make that happen. No matter the cost.

~Jalen Xero-J Johnson
You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Or, if VS. Universe has caught your interest, you can learn more about it here!

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