Saturday, February 1, 2014

Entry 4 (2/1/14): In Which I Question My Identity On The Internet

Entry 4: In Which I Question My Identity On The Internet

This is really more of a piece that concerns my take on random events rather than any actual developments in my work. Just pointing that out, in case anyone thinks I'm just rambling for no reason...

One thing that remains constant with the internet, is that online anyone can be whoever or whatever they want in terms of appearance and identity. How people use that power depends from person to person. Many people serve to ignore it, and show their actual face and name for the world to see freely. Others tend to use it for good, using avatars and mascot characters to speak through. Still others use it for evil, by using their anonymity as a shield while they harass others with abandon.

Me? I remain on the side that uses avatars and screen-names for the sake of good. To be completely honest, apart from the random Facebook pictures my family shows online, I've never really let people see my actual face. My name, sure, but never my face.

It's just for the longest time, I've had this aversion to others seeing my real face online, and vice-versa. It's one thing to meet a person in real life and talk with them, but over the internet, there's always this air of intrigue mystery around a person that I feel shatters when I see what they actually look like.

Like I said, many people don't have a problem with this, but it's something I think about often. And it got me thinking about whether I should keep that mentality going forward.

Sure, eventually in the far future, I'm going to have to drop the anonymity and use my real identity and face for everything, but what I wonder is whether I should keep my online identity for now, or just drop it and be myself.

On one hand, I've spent two years building my characters with their own identities and using them to address others online, but on the other hand, actually letting people know who I really am might actually provide a deeper connection with those who follow me...

In the end, it's my hope that I can kick this aversion of mine, and let people see me for who I really am, while being able to identify me by my avatars as well.

Maybe now that I've gotten into social media, that might be a good place to start...

~Jalen Xero-J Johnson

 You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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