Saturday, February 22, 2014

Entry 7 (2/22/14): In Which I Update My Comic Projects Finally

Entry 7: In Which I Update My Comic Projects Finally

I don't just mean the projects I've listed on this blog either, this entry features several projects I've been working on of my own accord for some time now, as well as a few things I've been up to lately with my work...

One thing about this blog that you should know is that it's linked closely with my DeviantArt profile. Many of the things I speak of in this and future entries can be found there, and only there. Fortunately, I have posted a link to my page up on the bar beneath the logo, so if you want to understand many of the events I talk about, you can either head there, or follow the direct links I provide throughout the blog!

For convenience sake, I'll break it down with my main three projects, and then my other comic work. If that sounds confusing, don't worry, It'll get easier to see...from the standpoint of...

My Main Three Projects!

Paragon-R and Graphite both have their concept scripts written out, which will give me structure on how to make them work further down the road.

Paragon-R will have its story laid out in full in the next entry, and Graphite will be a project that will take time, effort, and manpower for the coming months...

As for Clash of the Stickmen, its first page is nearly finished, with the page itself going live on my DeviantArt page by tomorrow. When that happens, I'll post a link to Clash of the Stickmen's gallery on this very blog. I'd give it a look, if you have the time, as it actually has access to a complete prequel comic to the story!

My Other Two Projects!
By "My Other Projects", I speak of two things in particular:

VS. Universe, a crossover comic which I've been working on for the past two years is also going to be continued this weekend, and for the rest of February!

This is something I've been trying to get done independently for a while now, but I've never really found the time apart from all my work to do it. This time, I've decided to power through the next few pages of the story and upload them both to dA and the Official VS. Universe Site.

Also in the works is Sonic Championship, a Sonic story which has been in production for almost as long as VS. Universe, but also held back because of other obligations, finally reaches the end of its first chapter this weekend as well!

So yeah...this weekend's going to be pretty comic heavy, so if you want to see what the fuss is about with these projects, follow this way for more on <a href="">VS. Universe</a> (<a href="">Chapter 1: The Fated Trio</a> and <a href="">Chapter 2: Angel's Melody</a>), <a href="">Sonic Championship</a>, and <a href="">Clash of the Stickmen!</a>

And of course, if you want to learn even more about my projects, you can always follow me using the links below!


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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