Sunday, March 30, 2014

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #2 (3/30/14)

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #2 (3/30/14)
In an attempt to garner more attention for my artwork in yet another field of the internet, I've decided to post a new feature to this blog:
The Showcase, in which I show off a selection of my work from the past few weeks, along with an exclusive to this blog: preview sketches of future drawings and projects to come!

For the sake of convenience, each of the finished images you see below also lead to their respective deviantART page when clicked on, so you can see what other people have to say about it (or if no-one has said anything about it, chime in yourself!)

I've never been one to waste more time than necessary, so let's get started!

This Entry's Features

Paragon-R: That Day...

Paragon-R: That Day... by Xero-J

A sort of one-page preview of a scene from one of my original projects, Paragon-R, which stars (among others) my original characters, Raleno Cinoten and Rona Mikarazi.

This scene in particular details the day the two first met, when Raleno saved Rona from a giant evil robot attack, and...well, it shouldn't be hard to tell how she reacted to that...

I always love it when the hero jumps in to save someone at the last second, especially if it happens after the one being saved already used everything they had to stop the bad guy, and it just wasn't enough.

Maybve that second part isn't portrayed in this comic as much as the first part, but I find the impact of the whole thing much more significant that way...
Rosalina: Cosmos Underneath
Rosalina: Cosmos Underneath by Xero-J
The latest in a looooooooooooooooong line of artwork featuring Princess Rosalina, a character from the Super Mario series! (specifically Super Mario Galaxy)

Anyone who follows my deviantART for any longer than a day will learn very quickly  how much I love drawing her, so much so that an entire section of my gallery is dedicated to her and her alone!
What makes this piece significant (and indeed, the inspiration for her pose) happens to be a Miiverse post from Masahiro Sakurai, director of the Super Smash Bros. series while working on the latest game in the series. I'll spare you the details, but the post said something along the lines of, and I quote:

"It is said that the cosmos is beneath Rosalina's gown."

Given the numerous ways someone could interpret that statement, the idea for this practically wrote itself!

Golden Classic Controller Pro in Colors 3D

Golden Classic Controller Pro :Colors 3D: by Xero-J

These next two aren't really new, as you can probably tell by the dates in the corner, but they are personal favorites of mine, partially because Nintendo happens to be the driving force behind all of it!

This first one happens to be a golden version of a Nintendo Wii Classic Controller Pro, drawn using the Colors 3D application on a Nintendo 3DS.

One thing I absolutely love is when I show this to someone, they always do a double take when I tell them I used a flippin' 3DS to make it!
A handheld gaming console being used to draw stuff like this. While you're letting that sink in for a moment, have a look at this next entry!

Game Boy Color :Colors 3D: by Xero-J

Also drawn with a Nintendo 3DS! The Game Boy Color in this still life happens to have Pokemon Gold Version playing in it. This device and the game in it being the technological cornerstone of my childhood, even after all these years, it still holds a special place in my heart...

Sorry if I got a bit sentimental toward the end there, but I do have a surprise for you guys to make up for it...

The DarklandsThe-Durun-Darklands by Xero-J

The last entry for today happens to be special, mainly because it's not even on deviantART yet! This brief exclusive is an exercise for me in creating environments, and one I've had a pretty good idea for recently happens to be the classic "Evil villain's Lair, with dark skies and lightining flashing all around!"

I wanted to get the impression across that the bad guy living in the tower on the right is so evil and so powerful, even the mountains and the city around it became dark and ragged just from his presence.

Sketch PreviewsThese previews don't have much in the way of descriptions just yet, but take them as a sign of what's to come in my work (usually, in that case, it'll show up on dA first, so if you don't already, keep an eye out there!)

Sonic Art Online by Xero-J

Tsumikiri J-Sword Fury by Xero-J

Put That Down! by Xero-J


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Entry 10 (3/22/14): In Which I Engage In The Arcane Art of Website Building

Entry 10: In Which I Engage In The Arcane Art of Website Building

(Back to one arguably twice as long entry for this week, people. I'm currently in the last two weeks of my semester, better known as crunch time for my work!)

Building a website of your very own.

A process that can be as easy or hard as you want to make it. Often, the definitions of easy or hard lie, not just in the builder's ability to design and create the coding for a website, but also how much they're willing to pay in cold, hard cash to make sure it gets noticed.

Over the progress of the internet, dozens of programs and web hosts have been created, helping users to code and craft their own websites, either from scratch, or from pre-made templates for years.

Personally, while I'm normally content using certain media sites like Blogspot, deviantART, and Twitter to house my work, I've made a few websites of my own in the past, in attempt to broaden my horizons (and partially, because it was mandatory, as per my college classes...)
Learning only the most basic of coding skills, I've managed to create two other sites of my own, which, while decent and functional, never realized their full potential on account of I'm still new to the whole coding websites from scratch thing.

For this blog, though, I shall show you an insider's look into my soon-to-be newly created third website, or at least my rendering of my site, since I'm one of the people who look at website design from the more visual aspect of the process!

The Main Page

So, this is the first thing (well, a Photoshop window containing the first thing) one will see upon inputting the URL to my site, with each of the six options on the side of the logo leading to its own section, and the four icons at the bottom leading to my deviantART, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages! The tablet over in the corner is just for show, since it gives people a good idea of what they can expect in my working style...of course a better way to learn more about my working style would be to click on the first option...

About Me

This is who I am, in a decently sized paragraph. It seems pretty barren, for now, but when this is all said and completed, I plan on including visuals, notably a stylized self-rendering of myself and Xero, the Studio's signature character! Speaking of actual visuals...


Originally, I planned on having a selection of art icons and gallery pieces arranged all across the page, but I realized early on that it would be much less intensive and cluttering to create assorted video slideshows for each of the categories I specialize in! While I'm working on that, I also decided to give special attention to a favorite aspect of my work...

Comic Projects

One thing I love to do as part of my work is draw comics and stories (both as a fan of my favorite series, and some original ideas of my own)

From here, I plan on having each icon lead to a page where you can learn more about the comics and, of course, read them! Short of that, another thing I love to do is draw work for others, especially when they pay me for it! Having said that...

Prints/Commissions/Contact Me

...Right now, I'm a bit busy with my work to focus on asking or being asked to work for anybody so for the time being, I plan on leaving these pages a "Under Construction" until I can find the time to work on pricing my work and going rates...which brings me to the last page...

Other Sites

The last page in the line-up leads to a few more outside media, including my aforementioned previous sites, and this very blog! And let's not forget, the four main media links can be found in each and every page, so I'm fairly covered in making sure all your social media needs are taken care of!

...Which brings us to the end of the insider tour of my Xero-J Studios website, which is currently being built as we speak. By the end of next week, I intend to have it live and free to the viewing public (except I'm paying to have it hosted). Until that time, what do you guys think? Are there any aesthetics that could use changing and tweaking?


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #1 (3/15/14)

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #1 (3/15/14)
In an attempt to garner more attention for my artwork in yet another field of the internet, I've decided to post a new feature to this blog:
The Showcase, in which I show off a selection of my work from the past few weeks, along with an exclusive to this blog: preview sketches of future drawings and projects to come!

For the sake of convenience, each of the finished images you see below also lead to their respective deviantART page when clicked on, so you can see what other people have to say about it (or if no-one has said anything about it, chime in yourself!)

I've never been one to waste more time than necessary, so let's get started!

This Entry's Features

VS. Universe Act IV and Profiles

VSU Chapter 1 Page 41 by Xero-J VS. Universe Profile: Raleno Cinoten by Xero-J VS. Universe Profile: Sonic the Hedgehog by Xero-J VS. Universe Profile: Mario by Xero-J

The most recent entries into my crossover webcomic, VS. Universe, as well as a few bio pages featuring the first few main characters!

Charcoal Series
Charcoal Series :10/10: by Xero-J Charcoal Series :9/10: by Xero-J

I'm no slouch when it comes to traditional art skills either, as evidenced by my original charcoal artwork pieces I did back in college days long past. These were drawn as part of class assignments at first, but I still retain the skills to really pull off charcoal if I ever have to again...

Snow Angel of Arendelle
Snow Angel of Arendelle by Xero-J

A rather flattering depiction of Queen Elsa from the most recent Disney Animated Canon movie, Frozen! This was drawn in commemoration of the movie earning two Oscar awards, one for Best Animated Feature, and for Best Original Song... ("Let It Go" for those who are still curious)

That, and I really wanted to go absolutely nuts with the details on her dress...

Gunstar White: DUBSTEP Cannon by Xero-J

This was actually drawn back in January, but it's still significant to me for two reasons:

One, it doubles as a preview for a comic project I'll be starting in late 2014.

and Two; I love drawing big, flashy, ridiculous weapons and artillery, and a cannon that fires Dubstep music certainly fits in that category...

Mech Armor Lightning

Mech Armor Lightning :Contest Entry: by Xero-J
This last one, depicting a sort of cyber armor for Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning, was created as an entry for a outfit design modification contest being held by Square Enix and deviantArt for the launch of the game Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

While I pretty much walked into that contest expecting to get beat by far superior artists out there (I didn't even break the top 50, for the record), the reason I joined up anyway was hearing that many of the submissions would end up being judged by one of Square Enix's top designers, Tetsuya Nomura! With even the slightest chance that my work would at least be seen by a big name like his, there was no way I wasn't at least going to try!

Sketch PreviewsThese previews don't have much in the way of descriptions just yet, but take them as a sign of what's to come in my work (usually, in that case, it'll show up on dA first, so if you don't already, keep an eye out there!)
The Durun Darklands by Xero-J

Paragon-R - Shining Armor by Xero-J

Xero-J Pterochainsaw Construct by Xero-J


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #3 (3/15/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #3 (3/15/14)
It's that time again, where I show intrepid passersby exclusive (to this blog, anyway) sketch content, contemplate where it went wrong, and ask and answer myself if I'll ever get back to it one day.

No time to waste on chatter, let's get to it, shall we?

Triptych Thumbnails

Jalen Tryptich Thumbnails by Xero-J

A bunch of concepts for triptychs (a series of posters arranged in a similar sequence) that I created for a college assignment. For the assignment I ended up going with the "Pencil" one, but I wouldn't mind going back to a few others on my own time...

Will I Come Back To It?
...Specifically, the Batman one in the bottom-right, and The Wonderful 101 one in the top left. I have a few other priorities at the moment, but once I get some free time, I'll try to pick at the least those two up again...

Masamune Sword Concepts

The Masamune by Xero-J

A bunch of concepts for a sword I wanted to have my original comic characters use. I went through quite a few ideas before finally fixating on the one in the center (the current model)

Will I Come Back To It?
As long as the character of mine wielding the sword is around, sure! In fact, I've already drawn the sword in a few other pictures anyway...

Portfolio Site Concept 2

Portfolio Site 3 by Xero-J

Yet another college assignment, and another portfolio site concept, designed to work in a spider web like format (click one option, and it leads to a network of sub-options and so on...)

Will I Come Back To It?
...Unfortunately, I much later realized how convoluted that kind of website would end up being to navigate, so, I'm kinda glad this one got shelved....

...And besides, I'm already working on a new portfolio site as we speak! It'll be going up in April 2014, so keep your eyes right here for any further updates, as well as cutting room floors and special Xero-J Studio features, of course!


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #2 (3/9/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #2

It's that time again, where I show intrepid passersby exclusive (to this blog, anyway) sketch content, contemplate where it went wrong, and ask and answer myself if I'll ever get back to it one day.

No time to waste on intros and exits, let's get to it, shall we?

Portfolio Site 2 by Xero-J

Xero-J Portfolio Site Concept

One of the many concept for a site of my own that I've wanted to create in attempt to branch out in the internet, away from such places as Google, Twitter, and deviantART. The fact that creating one was a college class assignment may or may not have had something to do with it...

Will I Come Back To It?

Don't think so. The idea looks cool on paper, but at my skill level at the time (read; just starting out), creating something this complex was out of my reach. By the time I did get good enough, I've since come up with better looking concept that better match my limitations...

OC Skylanders - Freight Train by Xero-J

Original Skylander Character: Freight Train

An original Skylander character I created last year for a figurine project I was working on. Because of the complexity of the train cart compared to the material I was working with, Freight Train, sadly, didn't make the cut.

Will I Come Back To It?

Sooner or later, but Freight Train's gonna have to get in line. There were three characters I created for the project, and one of them happens to be the final entry in today's CRF...

OC Skylanders - Power Chord by Xero-J

Original Skylander Character: Power Chord

One of the other Skylanders I created for that project. The last one, Hat Trick, will have to be mentioned another time, as that one actually saw the light of day...

Will I Come Back To It?

Like I said, sooner or later. It's really a matter of how much my interest in the Skylanders series flucutates over time...


Well? What do you guys think? Do you have any personal preference for these three to see the light of color once again?


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Entry 9 (3/9/14): In Which I Describe The Three Basics Of An Artist's Repertoire

Entry 9: In Which I Describe The Three Basics Of An Artist's Repertoire

[This entry's gonna be pretty light on content, since my computer's getting fixed up a bit, and I'm typing this from a tablet]

To an artist, one of the most precious things to have, are tools, and a field of expertise in which those tools can be used.

For many people, myself included, those tools generally consist of the Three Basics:  a piece of paper, a writing utensil, and a flat surface. From there, the process could branch out endlessly into numerous different items and canvases.

For instance, switch the flat surface for an easel on a stand, and a pencil for a paintbrush, you become a painter. Make the piece of paper big enough, change up the thickness of the pencil, and you're working with charcoal.

In recent years, technology has grown to allow us to branch out even more from the concept of the Three Basics.

Now in this day and age, people are able to substitute the the pen for a drawing computer tablet, the paper for the screen, and with enough time and effort, make something just as amazing as the pen and paper method.

The Three Basics even apply to those who want to make a picture move or animate as well. For as long as I can remember, every cartoon, movie, anime, or even CGI-based program we've has had some start as a pencil sketch of an artist and his/her vision.

From there, more are created as the character or location is slowly brought to life, slowly given form, and of course, slowly made easier to animate or come up with positions for (if you draw it out now, you'll have a better idea of that character should animate, right?)!

Ever since I became an artist, the two things I've trained myself to never go anywhere without are my pencils and sketchbook. In addition to the convienience of accomodating anyone who asks for a pen, it makes absolutely sure that if I get an idea in my head that I just don't want to let go, I'll always have the main means of getting it on paper and immortalizing them.

If there's one thing I hope for readers to take away from this spiel, it's to convince them to do as I have, and make sure they never forget the Three Basics.

A Pen(cil), Paper, and a flat surface. Simplicity at its finest.


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #1 (3/1/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #1

One of the many things I've done as an artist is draw. I do a lot of drawing. Several folders have suffered wear and tear something fierce just because of how many drawings I stuff in them.

Almost every drawing I've done has been made from a concept or idea that I thought was brilliant at that exact moment. I can't even count how many times I've thought "This is going to look so cool/hilarious when it's finished, scanned and colored!"

Often I do just that, and I get a fancy new piece of art for myself and all others to see. Ideally, this would be the case with every drawing I create, and my portfolio would be all the fuller for it.

...Unfortunately, that's usually not quite the case with reality. The painful fact of the matter is, some pieces can be sketched, and that's about as far as they ever get. Through the case of a lack of interest past the initial sketch, I miss a certain date that I'd wanted to finish it by (some pieces are lucky enough to be picked back up when that date comes around the next year), or it just got crowded out by other newer stuff, many of my sketches have fallen by the wayside, never to see the light of day.

Since I realized this, I realized that it doesn't seem all that fair to leave them in the dust, even if I do intend to come back to it one day.

So I'm gonna do something I've only ever done in my early days on deviantArt, post up the sketches alone! This way I get to show the many other concepts I've had in store, you get to see the things that may have been missed, and...well, who knows? Maybe one day, a sketch seen here will get picked up and polished for a proper judgement!

So, here it is! The first edition of the Cutting Room Floor!

Illustrator Ninja Man

Part of an experiment when I was just starting out using Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to create solid color figures, so I went with easy to use shapes to make it more convenient when I redrew it with the pen tool.

Will I Come Back To It?
If I ever get the itch to use Illustrator on my own time, perhaps. It certainly would be a lot quicker to do now that I know my way around Illustrator...

Wreck-It CrewShortly after Wreck-It Ralph was released, I drew this to commemorate it! I wanted to try and emulate Akira Toriyama when it came to the faces...

Will I Come Back To It?Probably not. The faces seemed like a good idea at first, but after a while, I just wasn't feeling it. Plus, these days, I prefer to put a bit more in this type of work. Maybe I'll try again, next time with Fix-it Felix, Jr. and Sgt. Calhoun along with them...

Portal Panic GalaxyWhile playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 one day, I wanted to come up with my own idea for a level, so I drew the concept from the game Portal as a gimmick in the Mario series. Admit it, Mario and Portal would work so well together, don't you think?

Will I Come Back To It?Believe me, I want to. This is a simple concept that shouldn't take that long to finish. Hopefully, I'll remind myself in the near future...

Shark With A Frickin' Laser Beam Attached To Its HeadTo round out this edition of the Cutting Room Floor, we I really need to describe this any more than I just did?

Will I Come Back To It?Now that I've reminded myself of this, yes! Like I said, I tend to draw so often, things get sidelined when I don't want them to. All I need is to find the right time and place to upload a glorious piece like this...


Well, that wraps up this first edition of TCRF. What do you guys think? Do you see anything worth bringing back into the world of color? My comment board is always open...


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)