Saturday, March 15, 2014

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #3 (3/15/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #3 (3/15/14)
It's that time again, where I show intrepid passersby exclusive (to this blog, anyway) sketch content, contemplate where it went wrong, and ask and answer myself if I'll ever get back to it one day.

No time to waste on chatter, let's get to it, shall we?

Triptych Thumbnails

Jalen Tryptich Thumbnails by Xero-J

A bunch of concepts for triptychs (a series of posters arranged in a similar sequence) that I created for a college assignment. For the assignment I ended up going with the "Pencil" one, but I wouldn't mind going back to a few others on my own time...

Will I Come Back To It?
...Specifically, the Batman one in the bottom-right, and The Wonderful 101 one in the top left. I have a few other priorities at the moment, but once I get some free time, I'll try to pick at the least those two up again...

Masamune Sword Concepts

The Masamune by Xero-J

A bunch of concepts for a sword I wanted to have my original comic characters use. I went through quite a few ideas before finally fixating on the one in the center (the current model)

Will I Come Back To It?
As long as the character of mine wielding the sword is around, sure! In fact, I've already drawn the sword in a few other pictures anyway...

Portfolio Site Concept 2

Portfolio Site 3 by Xero-J

Yet another college assignment, and another portfolio site concept, designed to work in a spider web like format (click one option, and it leads to a network of sub-options and so on...)

Will I Come Back To It?
...Unfortunately, I much later realized how convoluted that kind of website would end up being to navigate, so, I'm kinda glad this one got shelved....

...And besides, I'm already working on a new portfolio site as we speak! It'll be going up in April 2014, so keep your eyes right here for any further updates, as well as cutting room floors and special Xero-J Studio features, of course!


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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