Saturday, March 8, 2014

Entry 9 (3/9/14): In Which I Describe The Three Basics Of An Artist's Repertoire

Entry 9: In Which I Describe The Three Basics Of An Artist's Repertoire

[This entry's gonna be pretty light on content, since my computer's getting fixed up a bit, and I'm typing this from a tablet]

To an artist, one of the most precious things to have, are tools, and a field of expertise in which those tools can be used.

For many people, myself included, those tools generally consist of the Three Basics:  a piece of paper, a writing utensil, and a flat surface. From there, the process could branch out endlessly into numerous different items and canvases.

For instance, switch the flat surface for an easel on a stand, and a pencil for a paintbrush, you become a painter. Make the piece of paper big enough, change up the thickness of the pencil, and you're working with charcoal.

In recent years, technology has grown to allow us to branch out even more from the concept of the Three Basics.

Now in this day and age, people are able to substitute the the pen for a drawing computer tablet, the paper for the screen, and with enough time and effort, make something just as amazing as the pen and paper method.

The Three Basics even apply to those who want to make a picture move or animate as well. For as long as I can remember, every cartoon, movie, anime, or even CGI-based program we've has had some start as a pencil sketch of an artist and his/her vision.

From there, more are created as the character or location is slowly brought to life, slowly given form, and of course, slowly made easier to animate or come up with positions for (if you draw it out now, you'll have a better idea of that character should animate, right?)!

Ever since I became an artist, the two things I've trained myself to never go anywhere without are my pencils and sketchbook. In addition to the convienience of accomodating anyone who asks for a pen, it makes absolutely sure that if I get an idea in my head that I just don't want to let go, I'll always have the main means of getting it on paper and immortalizing them.

If there's one thing I hope for readers to take away from this spiel, it's to convince them to do as I have, and make sure they never forget the Three Basics.

A Pen(cil), Paper, and a flat surface. Simplicity at its finest.


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