Saturday, March 1, 2014

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #1 (3/1/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #1

One of the many things I've done as an artist is draw. I do a lot of drawing. Several folders have suffered wear and tear something fierce just because of how many drawings I stuff in them.

Almost every drawing I've done has been made from a concept or idea that I thought was brilliant at that exact moment. I can't even count how many times I've thought "This is going to look so cool/hilarious when it's finished, scanned and colored!"

Often I do just that, and I get a fancy new piece of art for myself and all others to see. Ideally, this would be the case with every drawing I create, and my portfolio would be all the fuller for it.

...Unfortunately, that's usually not quite the case with reality. The painful fact of the matter is, some pieces can be sketched, and that's about as far as they ever get. Through the case of a lack of interest past the initial sketch, I miss a certain date that I'd wanted to finish it by (some pieces are lucky enough to be picked back up when that date comes around the next year), or it just got crowded out by other newer stuff, many of my sketches have fallen by the wayside, never to see the light of day.

Since I realized this, I realized that it doesn't seem all that fair to leave them in the dust, even if I do intend to come back to it one day.

So I'm gonna do something I've only ever done in my early days on deviantArt, post up the sketches alone! This way I get to show the many other concepts I've had in store, you get to see the things that may have been missed, and...well, who knows? Maybe one day, a sketch seen here will get picked up and polished for a proper judgement!

So, here it is! The first edition of the Cutting Room Floor!

Illustrator Ninja Man

Part of an experiment when I was just starting out using Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to create solid color figures, so I went with easy to use shapes to make it more convenient when I redrew it with the pen tool.

Will I Come Back To It?
If I ever get the itch to use Illustrator on my own time, perhaps. It certainly would be a lot quicker to do now that I know my way around Illustrator...

Wreck-It CrewShortly after Wreck-It Ralph was released, I drew this to commemorate it! I wanted to try and emulate Akira Toriyama when it came to the faces...

Will I Come Back To It?Probably not. The faces seemed like a good idea at first, but after a while, I just wasn't feeling it. Plus, these days, I prefer to put a bit more in this type of work. Maybe I'll try again, next time with Fix-it Felix, Jr. and Sgt. Calhoun along with them...

Portal Panic GalaxyWhile playing Super Mario Galaxy 2 one day, I wanted to come up with my own idea for a level, so I drew the concept from the game Portal as a gimmick in the Mario series. Admit it, Mario and Portal would work so well together, don't you think?

Will I Come Back To It?Believe me, I want to. This is a simple concept that shouldn't take that long to finish. Hopefully, I'll remind myself in the near future...

Shark With A Frickin' Laser Beam Attached To Its HeadTo round out this edition of the Cutting Room Floor, we I really need to describe this any more than I just did?

Will I Come Back To It?Now that I've reminded myself of this, yes! Like I said, I tend to draw so often, things get sidelined when I don't want them to. All I need is to find the right time and place to upload a glorious piece like this...


Well, that wraps up this first edition of TCRF. What do you guys think? Do you see anything worth bringing back into the world of color? My comment board is always open...


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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