Saturday, March 8, 2014

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #2 (3/9/14)

Xero's Cutting Room Floor #2

It's that time again, where I show intrepid passersby exclusive (to this blog, anyway) sketch content, contemplate where it went wrong, and ask and answer myself if I'll ever get back to it one day.

No time to waste on intros and exits, let's get to it, shall we?

Portfolio Site 2 by Xero-J

Xero-J Portfolio Site Concept

One of the many concept for a site of my own that I've wanted to create in attempt to branch out in the internet, away from such places as Google, Twitter, and deviantART. The fact that creating one was a college class assignment may or may not have had something to do with it...

Will I Come Back To It?

Don't think so. The idea looks cool on paper, but at my skill level at the time (read; just starting out), creating something this complex was out of my reach. By the time I did get good enough, I've since come up with better looking concept that better match my limitations...

OC Skylanders - Freight Train by Xero-J

Original Skylander Character: Freight Train

An original Skylander character I created last year for a figurine project I was working on. Because of the complexity of the train cart compared to the material I was working with, Freight Train, sadly, didn't make the cut.

Will I Come Back To It?

Sooner or later, but Freight Train's gonna have to get in line. There were three characters I created for the project, and one of them happens to be the final entry in today's CRF...

OC Skylanders - Power Chord by Xero-J

Original Skylander Character: Power Chord

One of the other Skylanders I created for that project. The last one, Hat Trick, will have to be mentioned another time, as that one actually saw the light of day...

Will I Come Back To It?

Like I said, sooner or later. It's really a matter of how much my interest in the Skylanders series flucutates over time...


Well? What do you guys think? Do you have any personal preference for these three to see the light of color once again?


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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