Sunday, March 30, 2014

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #2 (3/30/14)

Xero-J Graphic Designs Showcase #2 (3/30/14)
In an attempt to garner more attention for my artwork in yet another field of the internet, I've decided to post a new feature to this blog:
The Showcase, in which I show off a selection of my work from the past few weeks, along with an exclusive to this blog: preview sketches of future drawings and projects to come!

For the sake of convenience, each of the finished images you see below also lead to their respective deviantART page when clicked on, so you can see what other people have to say about it (or if no-one has said anything about it, chime in yourself!)

I've never been one to waste more time than necessary, so let's get started!

This Entry's Features

Paragon-R: That Day...

Paragon-R: That Day... by Xero-J

A sort of one-page preview of a scene from one of my original projects, Paragon-R, which stars (among others) my original characters, Raleno Cinoten and Rona Mikarazi.

This scene in particular details the day the two first met, when Raleno saved Rona from a giant evil robot attack, and...well, it shouldn't be hard to tell how she reacted to that...

I always love it when the hero jumps in to save someone at the last second, especially if it happens after the one being saved already used everything they had to stop the bad guy, and it just wasn't enough.

Maybve that second part isn't portrayed in this comic as much as the first part, but I find the impact of the whole thing much more significant that way...
Rosalina: Cosmos Underneath
Rosalina: Cosmos Underneath by Xero-J
The latest in a looooooooooooooooong line of artwork featuring Princess Rosalina, a character from the Super Mario series! (specifically Super Mario Galaxy)

Anyone who follows my deviantART for any longer than a day will learn very quickly  how much I love drawing her, so much so that an entire section of my gallery is dedicated to her and her alone!
What makes this piece significant (and indeed, the inspiration for her pose) happens to be a Miiverse post from Masahiro Sakurai, director of the Super Smash Bros. series while working on the latest game in the series. I'll spare you the details, but the post said something along the lines of, and I quote:

"It is said that the cosmos is beneath Rosalina's gown."

Given the numerous ways someone could interpret that statement, the idea for this practically wrote itself!

Golden Classic Controller Pro in Colors 3D

Golden Classic Controller Pro :Colors 3D: by Xero-J

These next two aren't really new, as you can probably tell by the dates in the corner, but they are personal favorites of mine, partially because Nintendo happens to be the driving force behind all of it!

This first one happens to be a golden version of a Nintendo Wii Classic Controller Pro, drawn using the Colors 3D application on a Nintendo 3DS.

One thing I absolutely love is when I show this to someone, they always do a double take when I tell them I used a flippin' 3DS to make it!
A handheld gaming console being used to draw stuff like this. While you're letting that sink in for a moment, have a look at this next entry!

Game Boy Color :Colors 3D: by Xero-J

Also drawn with a Nintendo 3DS! The Game Boy Color in this still life happens to have Pokemon Gold Version playing in it. This device and the game in it being the technological cornerstone of my childhood, even after all these years, it still holds a special place in my heart...

Sorry if I got a bit sentimental toward the end there, but I do have a surprise for you guys to make up for it...

The DarklandsThe-Durun-Darklands by Xero-J

The last entry for today happens to be special, mainly because it's not even on deviantART yet! This brief exclusive is an exercise for me in creating environments, and one I've had a pretty good idea for recently happens to be the classic "Evil villain's Lair, with dark skies and lightining flashing all around!"

I wanted to get the impression across that the bad guy living in the tower on the right is so evil and so powerful, even the mountains and the city around it became dark and ragged just from his presence.

Sketch PreviewsThese previews don't have much in the way of descriptions just yet, but take them as a sign of what's to come in my work (usually, in that case, it'll show up on dA first, so if you don't already, keep an eye out there!)

Sonic Art Online by Xero-J

Tsumikiri J-Sword Fury by Xero-J

Put That Down! by Xero-J


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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