Saturday, March 22, 2014

Entry 10 (3/22/14): In Which I Engage In The Arcane Art of Website Building

Entry 10: In Which I Engage In The Arcane Art of Website Building

(Back to one arguably twice as long entry for this week, people. I'm currently in the last two weeks of my semester, better known as crunch time for my work!)

Building a website of your very own.

A process that can be as easy or hard as you want to make it. Often, the definitions of easy or hard lie, not just in the builder's ability to design and create the coding for a website, but also how much they're willing to pay in cold, hard cash to make sure it gets noticed.

Over the progress of the internet, dozens of programs and web hosts have been created, helping users to code and craft their own websites, either from scratch, or from pre-made templates for years.

Personally, while I'm normally content using certain media sites like Blogspot, deviantART, and Twitter to house my work, I've made a few websites of my own in the past, in attempt to broaden my horizons (and partially, because it was mandatory, as per my college classes...)
Learning only the most basic of coding skills, I've managed to create two other sites of my own, which, while decent and functional, never realized their full potential on account of I'm still new to the whole coding websites from scratch thing.

For this blog, though, I shall show you an insider's look into my soon-to-be newly created third website, or at least my rendering of my site, since I'm one of the people who look at website design from the more visual aspect of the process!

The Main Page

So, this is the first thing (well, a Photoshop window containing the first thing) one will see upon inputting the URL to my site, with each of the six options on the side of the logo leading to its own section, and the four icons at the bottom leading to my deviantART, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages! The tablet over in the corner is just for show, since it gives people a good idea of what they can expect in my working style...of course a better way to learn more about my working style would be to click on the first option...

About Me

This is who I am, in a decently sized paragraph. It seems pretty barren, for now, but when this is all said and completed, I plan on including visuals, notably a stylized self-rendering of myself and Xero, the Studio's signature character! Speaking of actual visuals...


Originally, I planned on having a selection of art icons and gallery pieces arranged all across the page, but I realized early on that it would be much less intensive and cluttering to create assorted video slideshows for each of the categories I specialize in! While I'm working on that, I also decided to give special attention to a favorite aspect of my work...

Comic Projects

One thing I love to do as part of my work is draw comics and stories (both as a fan of my favorite series, and some original ideas of my own)

From here, I plan on having each icon lead to a page where you can learn more about the comics and, of course, read them! Short of that, another thing I love to do is draw work for others, especially when they pay me for it! Having said that...

Prints/Commissions/Contact Me

...Right now, I'm a bit busy with my work to focus on asking or being asked to work for anybody so for the time being, I plan on leaving these pages a "Under Construction" until I can find the time to work on pricing my work and going rates...which brings me to the last page...

Other Sites

The last page in the line-up leads to a few more outside media, including my aforementioned previous sites, and this very blog! And let's not forget, the four main media links can be found in each and every page, so I'm fairly covered in making sure all your social media needs are taken care of!

...Which brings us to the end of the insider tour of my Xero-J Studios website, which is currently being built as we speak. By the end of next week, I intend to have it live and free to the viewing public (except I'm paying to have it hosted). Until that time, what do you guys think? Are there any aesthetics that could use changing and tweaking?


You can follow me (and my random thoughts) on such things as...

deviantArt! (my main site)

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